Electronic Summer: Solar Fake

Berlin-based act, Solar Fake, have three albums behind them, crossing genres while maintaining an electronic style and
dark, romantic feel. The project of Sven Friedrich (Zeraphine, Dreadful Shadows), Solar Fake has supported VNV Nation
and Covenant at European shows. We asked Friedrich to let us in on his thoughts about coming to Electronic Summer for
the first time.

What do you expect from the audience at Electronic Summer 2015?

I really don’t know. We never played in Sweden, so I can’t expect anything. In the past, we have always been positively surprised when we played in country for the first time, so I really hope it will be great.

What can the audience expect from you?

We play a mix of all three albums. We’re just two guys on stage loving music. It’s always a very special party atmosphere when we play. We’ll try to transfer it to the audience as well as we can.

Are there any bands in this year’s line-up that you look forward to seeing live?

I will definitely try to see as many bands as I can. I’m always interested in discovering new acts, so I’m especially interested in the bands I don’t know. Of course, I’m looking forward to seeing Project Pitchfork and VNV Nation – both of them are always a great experience when playing live. If my flight arrives early enough, I hope to see Psyche, as well.

Have either of you ever visited Sweden before?

Not yet, unfortunately. My parents have friends near Norrtälje, and they used to visit them quite often, but I never had the time to go there. So, I’m really looking forward to go to Sweden for the first time in my life.

If you would do a cover, like right here, right now, which song would you choose – and why?

Oh, it’s still a secret – I just worked on a cover version ten minutes ago. It’s for our next album, but I can’t tell yet which one it will be. I’m sorry but it would ruin the surprise. But it’s a great song in its original version…

If you were to do a collaboration on your next album, which would be your dream artist to collaborate with?

I’m collaborating with a few artists who are doing remixes for us. I only contacted musicians whose music I really love, but of course I still don’t know if they all can participate. I will do remixes for them in return. I’m quite sure Project Pitchfork, Aesthetic Perfection, Desireless and Operation of the Sun, Rotersand, Lord of the Lost, Saprozoon and proxy_view will do remixes. I’ve asked some others, and I hope they find some time to do it as well.

Solar Fake’s official Web site: solarfake.de

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