Jennie Vee Launches Tour Campaign

One of Cold War Night Life‘s favourite artists, Jennie Vee, is planning a tour of the US and Europe. As with Laibach’s recent tour of the US, Vee and her band have launched a crowdfunding campaign to get the bus moving. They are offering a range of sponsorships, starting with an Access Pass that includes Vee’s Die Alone EP and bonus content, moving through autographed posters and Skype chats, and culminating with exclusive living room shows. Things get really interesting however, with the offer to have Vee or her band members, Richey and Naomi, play on your own track. Given the immense quality of Vee’s output to date, that is worth saving up for!

The campaign is live now on PledgeMusic.

As a reminder, here are a couple of the tracks we raved about from Die Alone:

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