Here Comes the Rein!

Fierce! There’s no other word to describe the music of Rein, who jumped from our speakers with her first release, “There Is No Authority But Yourself.” With its independent attitude and blistering beats, we were immediately converted and it became our Track of the Day. In the weeks that have followed, Rein has revealed additional material and appeared in a video for The Operating Tracks. We tracked her down ahead of Sweden’s Bodyfest event to find out a little more about this uncompromising new artist.

You’ll be performing soon at Bodyfest in Stockholm with The Operating Tracks. How did your collaboration with them come about?

A friend of mine knew The Operating Tracks’ manager. My friend mailed him a short presentation about me and my songs. This was just some days after I uploaded my demos on Soundcloud. Then we had a chat, and he had an idea for me to guest in one of their songs. They sent me “Testify” and I was recording my part at home in Reason. I actually first met Carl and Carolina when we recorded the music video. I really liked them immediately.

Your solo material is very old-school EBM. What bands inspire your sound?

Thanks! I do, of course, get very inspired by Nitzer Ebb, but not only them. I get inspired by crust punk, too, for example. I like short songs with short lyrics. But I am also very inspired by other music genres, like electro, where there is a lot of dynamic in the synths with effects and stuff. I like to take cool parts from genres that I like and make something cool with it all together.

You previously played drums in a band [The Blister Exists], but your voice is great and belongs in the lead position. Do you have a singing background?

I have been singing since I was four years old. I was raised in a family where everything was about music, because my whole family work with music, lyrics and performance. So, it has always been natural to me to sing, perform and create music. But I was self taught – I never made it to a music school. I was always singing to the radio in the car with my father and did some school shows. I really love to sing and always have.

We saw a picture of you using Reason. Do you do all of your own recording and production?

Yes, I do! I have created songs in Reason since I was thirteen years old, and there’s nothing strange about that! I get this question a lot because I am a woman, I guess. I guess a lot of men aren’t getting this question as much.

What is in your heart that still needs to come out through your music?

I want to make music for people who don’t have a voice and sing about injustices in society with some kick-ass beats.

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