Electronic Scene Mourns Krister Petersson

Krister Petersson, the musician and record label master, is reported to have died at home in Sweden. Petersson is best known for his roles in Vision Talk and Chinese Theatre, as well as Melody Lane, De!Funct and Mordor, but he was also a prominent Italo music fan in the Nordic scene: the act and label SwedIt, which he started following the break-up of Vision Talk, was a contraction of “Swedish Italo.”

The news comes as a double blow to fans, as new dates had only just been announced for a relaunched Vision Talk, reuniting Petersson and vocalist Richard Flow (who is also known for his work in Machinista). A new recording, “Come with Me 2016,” had been released on Soundcloud in January 2016, raising expectations.

A dedicated father, the last post on Petersson’s Soundcloud account was a version of “Incy Wincy Spider.” Petersson leaves behind five children and two stepchildren, a monumental legacy of electronic music and a community deep in shock.

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