Lust for Youth

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Born in Gothenburg, Sweden’s second city and a place with a bohemian vibe, Lust for Youth is the brainchild of Hannes Norrvide.

With nine albums behind them, the band have ploughed a furrow separate from the EBM and poptronica scenes of Norrvide’s hometown. Now based in Copenhagen and pared back to the duo of Norrvide and Malthe Fischer, Lust for Youth have built an international following with minimalist electronics, dream-scraping guitars and angst-ridden vocals.

The latest album is a self-titled collection of tracks with more 80s references than we have noticed on previous releases. Shorn of Loke Rahbek’s contributions, the band have reset their sound and adjusted their path in a direction likely to garner even more attention from radio.

We had an opportunity to put some questions to Lust for Youth, ahead of their anticipated tour of the UK.

”By No Means” is a face-palm to attention seekers who use pity to secure their supply. Was it born of any particular experience?

Yes – or several different ones, actually.

The lyrics on ”New Balance” seem very specific. Are they biographical when they refer to a local DJ and semi-pro photographer?

As with all ideas one comes up with, there are experiences in your everyday life that inspire you. It’s like constructing a new recipe; you have to have a lot of different flavours to make a delicious meal.

The new album has some 80s and disco influences. For example, ”Great Concerns” owes something to Bernard Sumner’s production style. Is this a conscious development of your sound?

We don’t think about genre style when making music; we make what we think sounds good. Of course, we have both listened a lot to New Order when we were younger, but it’s not like we ever said let’s sound like them. The only band we usually talk about when we want a sound is Underworld.

Did going back to a two-piece line-up have any effect on your songwriting?

Yes, but it could’ve also been that we took a break from working for almost two years. It took us some time before we found the work rhythm again.

You are great live. What are your touring plans?

Thank you. We’re planning a Euro and US tour at the moment. We’re trying to get in contact with people in South America because we’d love to go and play there. So, if there is anyone interested in helping out with a South America tour, don’t hesitate to contact us.

The new album, Lust for Youth, is out now.
Lust for Youth are in the UK for the following shows:
London (Dingwalls), 9 September 2019
Manchester (Yes), 10 September 2019
Glasgow (Broadcast), 11 September 2019


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