Centre Excuse Light the Night

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Straight out of Rutland, Centre Excuse is the indietronica duo of Teddy Lewis and Alex Rush. That’s Alex in the Logan’s Run top.

Their new album, Favourite Soul, is fuelled with the sounds and feelings of The Cure, Depeche Mode and The Delays, but it is lit with an original spark.

The album combusts with “Fly Free,” a driving track that sounds like the creative child of Graham Lewis and Martin Gore, with Leaether Strip acting as midwife.

Did you think that Depeche Mode have already taken the vocabulary of self-loathing for their song titles? Nope. “Worthless” was still available, and it provides an opening for the duo to explore the dark night of the soul.

“Moon, Sky and Stars” uses old school synth patches to great effect, while the hook in the chorus sticks in the ear long after the track has finished. It should be the next James Bond theme song.

The first single from the album, “Joy Joy Joy,” is included, along with its soaring chorus and p-machinery.

“Thank You (For Moving Me Up)” is the kind of song that crowds will love to sing along with. That is, if we are ever allowed to meet in crowds again.

With this album, Centre Excuse are on fire. Let them scorch your soul.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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