In Sleep, In Dreams: Mute Reissues Or So It Seems


If you rearrange the letters of the words, Mute and Dome, one result is Duet Emmo. If you put Daniel Miller, Graham Lewis and Bruce Gilbert in a studio, the result is also Duet Emmo. If you try to imagine the most hauntingly beautiful electronic song ever made, the only possible result is “Or So It Seems” by Duet Emmo.

There are many contenders for that crown, but the collaboration between Miller and Wire’s experimental core was an accidental triumph. The secret might be in the repetitive bass groove. It could be the digital chimes. Or, possibly, it is the chattering percussive sounds. Our vote is for Lewis’ dreamscape vocals and the lyrics, which have never failed to win the hearts they have reached. Miller was once described by Gilbert as the best one-fingered composer he had ever met, and it shows in the minimal but highly effective synthesis that underpins the song.

A full album was produced under the same title, but it has long been out of print. Mute have now announced a remastered release on double vinyl, CD and digital formats, expanded to include the B-side of the original 12″ single, “Heart of Hearts.”

The new version of Or So It Seems will be released on 19 August 2022.


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