Cosey Fanni Tutti is an original. One of the organisers of Throbbing Gristle and a founder of Industrial Records, she contributed to the creation of a significant genre. By practising her art-as-life-as-art philosophy, she has spent half a century creating and performing in ways that shock, test, enquire – and entertain.
Tutti’s first solo album, Time to Tell (t2t), was released in 1983. She has now revealed plans for a new project, 2t2 (see what she did there?). It will come out on Conspiracy International on 13 June 2025 in several formats: vinyl, CD, and digitally (including Dolby Atmos / Spatial Audio).

The press release hints at the content:
Composed, performed and produced by Cosey Fanni Tutti, the 9-track album moves between propulsive beat constructions and expansive electronic explorations, continuing themes from 2019’s acclaimed album TUTTI. It is a personal reflection; a sonic realisation of her life, drawing on her powerful inner resolve and expressing it through music.
The album finds Cosey making sense of some very tough years, dealing with personal bereavements alongside swingeing world events that have impacted us all. Centring on her own strength and self will, the album’s two distinct sides – one rhythmic, one more meditative – are connected by an overwhelmingly positive mood.
She explains, “My overtone chanting on the track ‘Stound’ was part of that, tapping into the inner self, to the core of your being, emotionally, physically, allowing the sounds to permeate and soothe as well as create a sense of power, resistance and resilience to what we face.”
Even in the more melancholic moments, there’s a lightness that she explains is an “acknowledgement that it’s alright to be sad, that’s part of life, but there is so much joy too in our memories of people we lose and in the moments we share with each other. Joy is our resistance.”