Fox Gunn – Pottery
From Spain, but living in Brexit Britain, comes Fox Gunn. We caught her performing with Sweden’s Agnes Hustler in London recently, and she impressed with her self-assured vocals and melodies.…
From Spain, but living in Brexit Britain, comes Fox Gunn. We caught her performing with Sweden’s Agnes Hustler in London recently, and she impressed with her self-assured vocals and melodies.…
Filmed within walking distance of Cold War Night Life Towers, in Highgate Cemetary, this video from Melaina Chole features a soundtrack based on waves of endless feedback. It marks a…
Lau Nau, the award-winning Finnish composer and performer, has revealed her latest album, 5×4. Named for the characteristic five-note, four-track playback of the Buchla synthesiser, it represents five years of…
What goes through the minds of dictators, oppressors, and authoritarians? We will never know, but we can wonder. Lithuania’s Alanas Chosnau and Manchester’s Cultural Ambassador to Germany, Mark Reeder, raise…
Claes Bang will be immediately familiar to television viewers from his role in the series, Bad Sisters. In that context, he played an abusive douche who managed to insult everyone…
The departure of Ian Craig Marsh and Martin Ware from the Human League was engineered by their record company and manager to allow the act to develop in more commercial…