Emmon’s new album, AON, has just been released as a limited edition package by Wonderland Records. We’re holding our breath for the review copy, but the signs are very promising, if this video is anything to go by. Emma Nylén’s vocals are as strong as ever in this soaring track, the first single to be released from the album.
Swedish Synthpop
Dan Söderqvist was once in a psychedelic rock band with R.F. Jan Ternald called Älgarnas Trädgård (sometimes translated as “Garden of the Elks”, but “Moose’s Garden” sounds so much better). That was back at the end of the 1960s and early 1970s, before Söderqvist moved on to Twice a Man with Karl Gasleben. Recently, Ternald and Söderqvist got back together for a project called Purple Fields, which included this excellent track.
Topgun were a strong warm-up act at S.P.O.C.K’s 25th anniversary show. Bathed in strong red light, Sem Hilti Johansson took vocal duty for a set of sophisticated synth pop, showcasing the sound he has been developing since the late 90s. This track fuses classic analogue electronics with a very radio-friendly vocal line.