Swedish Synthpop

Emmon – Pitch Black

Emmon’s new album, AON, has just been released as a limited edition package by Wonderland Records. We’re holding our breath for the review copy, but the signs are very promising,…

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Söderqvist – Ecstasy

Dan Söderqvist was once in a psychedelic rock band with R.F. Jan Ternald called Älgarnas Trädgård (sometimes translated as “Garden of the Elks”, but “Moose’s Garden” sounds so much better).…

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Topgun – Mind of a Boy

Topgun were a strong warm-up act at S.P.O.C.K’s 25th anniversary show. Bathed in strong red light, Sem Hilti Johansson took vocal duty for a set of sophisticated synth pop, showcasing…

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