The latest single to be lifted from Page’s excellent album, En ny våg, “Frusen” features a contribution from Rrussell Bell. The Dramatis man and former member of Gary Numan’s touring band adds a touch of the OG Synth Britannia sound to Eddie Bengtsson’s reimagining of the spirit of 1979.
Track of the Day
Arielle Andersson and Fredrik Lundvall Kindsäter are Octolab. Another act from Sweden’s West side, they do elegant pop with influences from the electronic underground. For this track, they have produced a sleek video with some masked guests and masses of strings.
Lace up your bovver boots, strap on your suspenders, and fetch your flat cap: Container 90 are back with new remixes. “Hard Knock Life” and “Psycho Social Media” have new versions, but our choice for today is this mix of “Remote Mind Control,” which has been retooled by Katscan.
Bill Leeb joined Skinny Puppy as a teenager. He left in 1986 to found Front Line Assembly, which has almost reached its fortieth anniversary. Along the way, he has worked with other artists as (among others) Delerium, Noise Unit, Cyberaktif, Fauliage, and Equinox. What has been missing, amidst the constant flow of electro-industrial and ambient music, is a solo album.
That is set to be remedied with the release of Model Kollapse on Metropolis in September. The eleven-song album will be in vinyl and CD formats, showcasing the British Columbia musician’s current output. There will be guests involved, as the first single to be unveiled reveals. “Terror Forms” includes another Left Coast resident: Shannon Hemmett from Actors and Leathers.
(Photo: Bobby Talamine)
The history of Propaganda is one of a band, interrupted. Since their founding in 1982 in Düsseldorf, there have been multiple alignments of its members, with various combinations of the original group taking part. Today, like divided Germany, the core team from the days of A Secret Wish is split into two halves: xPropaganda, composed of Claudia Brücken (Act, Onetwo) and Susanne Freitag; and continuity Propaganda, led by Ralf Dörper (Die Krupps, Die Robo Sapiens) and Michael Mertens.
The occasion for cheers is the release of a new single by the boys. “Purveyor of Pleasure” features the vocals of German-based Thunder Bae (no, not the town on the edge of Lake Superior). It’s classy and catchy. And it’s a reminder of the effective combination of Mertens’ classical training and Dörper’s industrial aesthetic. An excellent, modern pop track – even without the ZTT spit-shine and Paul Morley nonsense.
Suitably aggressive beats and a throbbing bass line from Sweden’s Strikkland herald a new single. They will make you a believer in EBM or teach you the consequences of Viking rage.
You can catch Henrik and Henric at Wave-Gotik-Treffen on Sunday, 19 May 2024, at Haus Leipzig, if you are there at 1820.
Far out sounds from the Far North: the new 20Hz single combines the electronic mastery of Erik Ångman (Göteborgselektronikerna, Octolab) with Per-Ivan’s vocals. Sprawl, the new 20Hz album, hits the racks in a couple of weeks. On the strength of this track, it should be a flowing, poptastic affair.