Electronic Summer: Me the Tiger

Since their founding in 2012, Me the Tiger have made waves with their intelligent and energetic synthpop. The trio from Falun come to Electronic Summer with a new EP on release and new tracks ready for a September album launch. We asked the band about their plans.

What can the audience expect from your concert at Electronic Summer 2015?

Energy, melancholy and strong choruses.

What do you expect from the audience?

Curiosity, presence and love.

Which bands in this year’s line-up do you look forward to seeing live?

There are a lot of interesting names, but Karin Park is brilliant in all ways possible. And she comes from Dalarna as well, which is obviously a nice bonus.

From where do you get your strongest influences?

We listen to pretty much everything – from ultra-commercial pop to death metal. Regarding the songwriting, Tobias is responsible for our material and he is strongly inspired by Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails and The Prodigy. You can never get enough of the 90s.

What are your previous experiences in playing live?

We are feeling incredibly fine together as band in general, and even better on stage. Whether it is five or five thousand people in the audience, we’re always giving 100%. And we always play WITH an audience. Not FOR them.

Is there anything you’re particularly nervous of?

That it will go to hell with our environment.

When should people optimally see you on stage?

In the dark, with a preference to be moving around a bit. At least some stamping with one foot.

When is it most suitable to listen to your music?

We hope that our music can work regardless of what mood you’re in – both at a pre-party and when you’re laying on a couch the day after.

If Me The Tiger were on a dating site, what would the profile say?

A band in its best years, looking for someone who likes to talk politics and to be up all night dancing, but who also likes staying home doing nothing but relaxing on the couch. If you’re into English football, that’d be a plus. Or manufacturing lampshades from old drumheads.

If you would do a cover, right here, right now, which song would you choose and why?

Any song by Orup.

Me the Tiger’s official Web site: methetiger.com

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